Monday, August 16, 2010

New Layout

I find it hard to become truly really satisfied with a layout that is already made. And I keep getting inspired of other blogs I see, and get sort of envious. I don't think it's good, because I waste a lot of time fixing the layout and stuff.

Well, it might be because I change my style all the time too. One day I'm in mood for pink, and another day I'm in the mood for green and orange, and yet another day for black... *sigh*...

It can be difficult being me.

Well - yesterday I changed the layout for this new one, made by Lauren at I spent hours looking for a new layout that I thought I'd be happy with, and this is what I chose. :) Thank you, Lauren!

I've decided to delete my old twitter account, because I made it for 'business reasons' 1½ year ago, and got tons of followers and followed tons myself. But as I didn't really use it, I thought it would just be a nuisance trying to keep track of all the people I followed now.  So I made a new one, and thought that I'll try to learn it anew, and only follow interesting people and people I know. :)

I'm looking more and more on other blogs, and I realize that I'm a real newbie at this. hehe. Well, I do write about my life and stuff, but it should be interesting, yes? Well, I guess I'll just read on, and learn by doing. My goal is to write a post a day, but I won't get my expectations too high - I'll just disappoint myself... :) So I'll write as much as I feel like - Yes - That sounds better, and more realistic.

I'd like to show pictures as well, and perhaps make some tutorials. :) Well, I'll just take it one day at a time, and see what happens.


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