Thursday, June 17, 2010

End Of School Fashion Show

Yaay, summer vacation! :)
We just finished our school with a fashion show today, and I think it went pretty well. :)
I'm now (or after tomorrow) officially on 'leave'.. isn't that what you call it. I'm taking half a year off, to get on top, and to work on my own things, like websites and own clothing and all that. ;P
I'll just post a couple of pictures of what we've been showing.
Yes, this is me, in my silly dress. The theme was 'the past meets the future'. And in my head it was something like a vistorian dress meeting the future, where we have to recycle everything, including clothing and stuff, so it's made of lots of leftover fabrics and plastic and stuff. It was fun to make - but not very nice to wear, because I had put plastic pieces at the neck.... And when you're nervous on a hot stage, you start to .... sweat... and plastic on hot skin... blahhh... hehe - well, I've learned my lesson there.
This dress was made as a project with 1st and 2nd semester working together. The theme was 'Dinner With The Queen'. So we all made sort of princessy dresses.
The point was that each group had 300 DKR, which is about $50 to buy all our materials. So the pink dress was made of bed linen and plastic bags. The other dresses were made out of old jeans, bought at a second hand shop, more plastic bags, old table covers, old pieces of fabric. It was a fun project. And most of all, we learned to work with each other. :)
This dress was also made with the theme 'past meets the future'. The girl here was inspired by Moulin Rouge meeting Star Wars. I thought that was awesome! ;P

There are tons more pictures, and they are published at my facebook profile here.

My boyfriend and I are pretty busy preparing for Roskilde Festival, but when we're back, we'll be constantly on the net, working on our websites. It's going to be awesome! More tutorials will be made for and the layout will probably be altered (again) as well. ***we'll never be satisfied*** hehe....
Anyhoo - that's it for now... goodnight you. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wow, it's June now

Wow - time flies really fast!
I'm almost done with this semester at school, and I'm really looking forward to the summer holidays! I'm going to Roskilde Festival with Bjarke and some friends - it's going to be awesome!!! ;P

After Roskilde, I'll have so much more time for you! For being creative, and making stuff! That'll be awesome! I'm looking forward to being sort of free. :)
Anyhoo - right now I haven't much to say - just thought I'd 'stop by and say hi'. :)

Talk to you soon