Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things I've Made Lately

I just finished a huuuuuge shawl, which I'm never going to use out side, because it's more like a blanket than a shawl.. ;P It took some time to make, but it was nice.
I followed a crochet recipe, but I didn't use the same yarn or needle, and therefore it became a million times bigger than it should have been. I think it's about 3 meters wide and 2 meters tall... IT' S HUUGE!!!!!!!!!

I hung it on some hooks we had in our ceiling, and it fills the whole room. hehe..

And then afterwards, I knitted a hat - also from a recipe, but I actually followed the measurement now..... But the hat is too small! *sigh* I really really liked the pattern (it's from a book called 'Luxury Yarn One-Skein Wonders), and I might consider trying to make it again, but somewhat bigger. It looks like a hat for a small girl, really... Well, see for yourself:
It won't really do me any good in the winter.... *sighs again*.... Well, I'll just knit some more. And I like knitting, so everything's fine.


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