Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wow, it's been a while

Can't believe that time flies so fast!
I'm soon starting at my school again (31st of January), and I'm really looking forward to it! :)
It seems to me, that when I was on a leave from school, time went a million times faster than it should, I couldn't seem to relax or just do nothing. I've been doing things practically every day since last summer.
Although now, after New Year's Eve, I haven't.. hehe... But I think it's because I've been sick, and just haven't had the energy. Today, I got up though, and cleaned up some of my mess in the apartment. That was actually rather nice! :)

I feel like I'm planning what to do all the time, but it's rare that I get the things done, especially considering and this blog. It actually bothers me, so I should just do something about it....

Sorry - I'm rambling a bit - I need to start writing again somehow. :D


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