Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yaro Starak - One Of My Heroes In Blogging

I just thought I needed to add this to my posts, because, then I won't forget myself. ;P

Yaro has written a gazillion good articles about great blogging, so if you're new to blogging or just want some great advice, I recommend that you go visit his site at

What I wanted to post here was one of his articles with advice about writing your blog, how to express the true you. I find it pretty important for me to do that as quickly as possible, so I can get a consistent flow over time, and not suddenly change my writing style and become a different person. Hopefully I'm not doing too bad now - at least I THINK I'm writing with my own voice - just need some writing practise to make it a bit more interesting. ;)

Anyway - here's the article:
Quote begins:

Bloggers: Are You Writing In Your True Voice?

I’ve been working with a private client recently to help with her blog (hello Pat from, and through our time together she reminded me of a common challenge many new bloggers face.

Perhaps this is not so much a mistake as an adjustment that needs to be made as you begin the process of establishing your blog identity.

Many bloggers start out by applying a frame to how they think about their blog. This frame affects your writing style, causing you to feel the need to project a certain image with your words. This is a false image placed on top of who you really are, often applied because you believe it necessary to ensure you come across as professional. You want to make the “right” impression.... "  Read More...

Quote ends...

I hope it's legal to put a short quote of his article in my own blog... well, it's done, and hopefully you'll get something out of it as well - he writes really well! ;P


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